Meet the founders
Joost Reimert | SME and startup programs
Joost is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for funding and scaling startups to success. As the founder of the Digital Workspace, partner in the Innovation Program for SMEs, and initiator of the Dutch Academic Investment Fund (a venture capital fund investing in university startups), he has a track record of turning ideas into thriving businesses. Joost is enthusiastic and effective, specializing in business development and team building, particularly in the seed and early growth stages.
Role within Preneurz
I'm Joost, and since my studies, I've jumped straight into entrepreneurship across various companies. I've always enjoyed developing ideas and building them into businesses. Since 2019, I've been one of the co-founders of Preneurz, again to bring the idea of better collaboration between businesses and knowledge institutions to life, and to make the knowledge from these institutions more valuable. My role mainly involves conceptualizing and initiating projects in collaboration with clients. I often handle execution together with my partners at Preneurz.
Best experience so far
The best moment was when we, along with the other founders, looked at all the great projects we were working on during a quarterly meeting, and it was wonderful to see how we had succeeded in making many clients happy with our services.
Advice for young entrepreneurs
The main advice (after some careful thought) is to get your idea out there; talk to customers and verify whether all your assumptions are correct. Then go back to the drawing board and get out there again as quickly as possible! Have fun and stay persistent.
Reasons to reach out to Preneurz
We offer a lot through our projects for entrepreneurs looking to grow, access talent, and receive support in starting their businesses. Our programs have been running for years, and we’ve already helped many entrepreneurs. For governments, we have successfully translated policies into effective programs. And last but not least, we collaborate with a great group of people, so you’re always welcome!
Unlock the power of collaboration
For more information on creating the perfect SME workspace, designing entrepreneurship programmes at universities and to become your partner in European collaborations, please do not hesitate to contact us.